Asparagus is known as
one of the vegetables that have
excellent benefits for health. But what exactly are
the benefits of asparagus?
How many calories are in asparagus? Is there
any evidence that could corroborate that asparagus
has as an anti-cancer? Is it all just a myth
or a fact or
rumor? Let us
recognize and get the health benefits of asparagus.
Asparagus is one food
or type of vegetables that are beneficial for health. These vegetables are vegetables
that can be consumed daily,
although sometimes less popular than other similar vegetables such as beans,
long beans, and others.
When entering a kind of menu in the daily
diet, 80 grams of
asparagus would be
nice if included in the menu.
Like most other types
of vegetables, asparagus is good and will give
the health benefits of asparagus depends
on how it is cooked and served. While eating
asparagus topped with melted butter, the flavor
of asparagus definitely very
tasty. But you should avoid the use of butter
because butter contains
a lot of calories and fat.
Asparagus dish is
healthy and healthful
dish of asparagus
were cooked until
tender and then blended together with boiled
water. Asparagus are cooked briefly in
boiling water (just surround
2-3 minutes), loaded
with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin
A, B, and vitamin K, and iron.
Health benefits of asparagus known because asparagus is a good
source of vitamin K. Five stalks of asparagus has 35 percent of the recommended daily intake of nutrients. Vitamin K
is known because it can help the process of blood
clotting, vitamin K is also very good for
health of the bones. This kind of vitamin regulates
mineralization of the bones, facilitating
the production of proteins which needed
to process calcium
absorption, and help maintain density of the bones. Density decrease or bone loss especially in women is
often caused by inadequate intake
of foods containing vitamin
Antioxidant in asparagus is other health benefits of asparagus.
Substances contained by asparagus can neutralize
free radicals in the body before the free
radicals attack healthy cells
and causing various diseases. Asparagus also contains
vitamin A in the
form of carotenoids, which
can act as antioxidants, this vegetables also contain
vitamin C, vitamin E, and manganese.
Vitamin C can
neutralize free radicals throughout the body, while
vitamin E can
increase the elasticity of the skin. Manganese specifically
protects small structures within each cell
that produce energy. Five rod of asparagus can
meet 25 percent
of the daily requirement of vitamin A, six percent of the daily
requirement of vitamin C, seven percent of the
daily requirement of vitamin E
and manganese.
Asparagus also contains
a substance called quercetin and kaempferol, which
is better known as flavonoids.
Both of these substances are antioxidants that can
overcome the problem of inflammation in
the body. Flavonoids are also known to have the
ability to avoid cancer by inhibiting the growth of cells of cancers, but these
kinds of substances are not absorbed easily, so researchers continue to do more research to find out how to maximize the
potential of these substances. According
to one study, women who consumed substances
kaempferol have the possibility of ovarian cancer 40%
lower than those who did not consume them.
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