Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Be Aware Of Turmeric Side Effects

Turmeric has traditionally been grown in Asian countries such as Indonesia, but now can be found in various parts of the world. Turmeric is commonly used for seasoning food. However, the underground stems and roots of the plant are also used for medicinal. According to one of the institutes of health, take a dose of about 240 to 500 milligrams of turmeric three times in a day is recommended. Although, turmeric is considered as a safe herb, there are some turmeric side effects that should be realized by every one.

Turmeric is used for most of the curry. It is a spice made ​​from grinding the roots of curcumin and including ginger family. Turmeric is most often used as a spice and color to give food a different taste, other than that turmeric also has a variety of health giving properties. For example, turmeric has a high capability in anti-inflammatory properties. This fact is further proven by research. Turmeric is also good for treating diarrhea, loss of appetite, heartburn, gallbladder disorders and jaundice dl. Despite having health benefits, the use of turmeric in high doses can have some side effects. Have a proper understanding about the turmeric side effects will help to ensure that this spice is used in sufficient quantities.

Turmeric, like other herbs can be used as a drug without a prescription from a doctor. According to a medical university in the United States, taking Coumadin, Plavix or aspirin while taking turmeric can cause difficulties with the blood's ability to clot. Also, some drugs that help reduce stomach acid such as Zantac, Tagamet, Omeprazole, Pepcid, Nexium, and Prevacid can be ineffective and does not work as it should when taking turmeric. Another group of drugs for diabetics can also be affected by turmeric. Turmeric side effect may cause the medicine to diabetics have an increased effectiveness that can cause blood sugar levels to bottom out. This can lead to a sudden diabetic shock which can lead to diabetic coma.

Abdominal pains are other turmeric side effects that can be caused by taking turmeric supplements. Overdose and take more than the recommended dose of turmeric may cause suffer from mild to severe stomach problems. Taking large amounts of turmeric for a long time can cause stomach ulcers stomach. In addition, a person who suffers from sensitive stomachs may experience problems when taking turmeric. For people who suffer from sensitive stomach, take turmeric may cause nausea, heartburn and even vomiting. Therefore, it is important to always consult a doctor before using turmeric. If a problem does occur, immediately stop taking the herb.

Turmeric is very useful for a variety of allergies. However, it can be a double-edged sword. Some people may be allergic to turmeric cause dermatitis or psoriasis, stomach problems, heartburn, etc. Direct contact with turmeric can cause swelling, irritation, and redness of the skin. People, who are allergic to turmeric side effect, should shy away from dishes and foods containing these spices.

Turmeric side effect can arise if turmeric is used too much. Too much using turmeric can inhibit blood clotting process. It can be very risky for patients on blood thinners, such as Plavix and Coumadin. Patients who will undergo any operation, and taking blood thinning agents, must refrain from the use of turmeric, at least, one or two weeks prior to surgery. Turmeric also be avoided during pregnancy because it will encourage menstruation and increase the risk of miscarriage.

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Get Healthy Naturally With Ginger Root Benefits

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is known as a remedy for nausea,  motion sickness, and indigestion and is used for irritable bowel, wind, colic, chills,  loss of appetite, poor circulation, fever, flu, menstrual cramps, dyspepsia (heartburn, bloating, stomach flatulence), indigestion and gastrointestinal problems such as gas and stomach cramps.  

One of ginger root benefits is a powerful herb that anti-inflammatory and there has been a renewed interest in its use for many joint problems.It has also been shown to arthritis, headache, fever, toothache, cough, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, to ease tendonitis, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and helps in avoid internal blood clots.

Ginger root benefits have been well studied and many traditional uses confirmed. It is also known as a remedy for motion sickness, nausea and indigestion. It is a warming remedy, ideal for improving circulation, lowering high blood pressure and keep blood thin in high doses. Ginger is anti-viral and makes heating and cold flu medicine. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb and there has been a renewed interest in its use for many joint problems.

Other ginger root benefits, it is a medicinal herb used primarily for the treatment of dyspepsia which mean discomfort after eating, these symptoms include flatulence, heartburn, bloating, and nausea. It is also considered helpful as a preventative for motion sickness and as a digestive. Because its antispasmodic characteristic some people have used it to help relieve cramps when menstruation. In some traditional systems it is credited with the ability to treat arthritis, fever, headache, and toothache. Ginger can also be taken orally as an herbal remedy to prevent or relieve nausea caused by surgery, chemotherapy, pregnancy, and motion sickness.
Results of laboratory studies and small studies conducted among seasick sailors or ship passengers, found that ginger root benefit generally has more effective to eliminate drunk than placebo or pill of sugar. Some comparisons between ginger and prescription or non-prescription have been done to eliminate pregnancy’s nausea, but the results were inconclusive.

In some studies, similar effectiveness was seen between ginger and the comparator drug, while other studies find little or no effectiveness for ginger compared with drugs. In general, no adverse effects were noted from the use of ginger, either for the mother or developing baby. Ginger root benefits have also been used in traditional medicine to treat mild digestive problems such as gas or stomach cramps. Recent research may confirm that ginger directly affects the gastrointestinal tract, helping to improve muscle tone and prevent normal intestinal contractions fast and strong.

The results were limited to animals with diabetes show that ginger can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar and, as well as lowering blood pressure. However, no studies implemented in human with similar results have been reported. A little research has been done on humans have shown some promise for extra ginger root benefits in the treatment of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

If someone has been using too much or suffer from rheumatism or arthritis, ginger root benefits has been known to ease inflammation of joints and muscle tissue. Due to the outstanding quality increased circulation, ginger is thought to improve skin tone. This has reduced eased tendonitis, nervousness, and helped sore throat back to normal. Studies show that ginger can lower cholesterol levels by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and liver. It can also help in avoiding internal blood clots.

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Coconut Milk Benefits Which Is Very Abundant

Coconut milk is the liquid from the coconut meat obtained by grating coconut meat and filtering. Coconut milk is often used as a complementary cuisines, especially cuisines countries in Asia and south east Asia region, such as Indonesia, Thailand, and India. Despite having a fairly high fat content, either fresh milk obtained directly from the coconut meat and canned coconut milk, coconut milk benefits for health are also quite a lot, in addition, milk also contains vitamins and minerals that are quite diverse and can be consumed by those who want to lose weight.

A cup of coconut milk contains approximately 445 calories and 48 grams of fat. Levels of saturated fat in a cup of coconut milk was much higher than the body's daily requirement for calories and fat. According to a nutritionist, coconut milk does have saturated fat content is quite high, but still can be consumed because the chain fats in coconut milk is a short chain so easily processed in the metabolic system. Milk that has been processed and packaged in the form of canned, many of which have a lower fat content than freshly grated coconut and filtered, which is commonly used in cooking, for canned coconut milk can be reduced by the amount of calories and fat when processed at the plant. Even some types of milk that has a low fat content are sold in the form of beverages. Coconut milk benefits can be obtained from the drinks because the drinks contain vitamins and minerals that are good for health, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and other minerals. Even for some people, drink from the coconut milk can replace regular milk.

Another coconut milk benefits can be obtained from MCFAs which contained in coconut milk, or medium-chain fatty acids, which are different from LCFAs, or long-chain fatty acids, which are found in meat and dairy products, as MCFAs containing fewer carbon atoms in a row. Animal studies, revealed MCFAs are metabolized by the liver, while LCFAs remain as fat deposits in the body. MCFAs are then studied as a potential tool for weight loss. According to a study released in 2009, dietary supplementation with MCFAs, such as those found in coconut milk, can help fight obesity and prevent peripheral insulin resistance - a condition in which certain tissues fail to respond to insulin. One newspaper reported that although the study is credible enough to promote weight loss potential MCFAs, there is no evidence they are always healthier for the heart than other saturated fats, which raise levels of harmful LDL cholesterol.

There are many other coconut milk benefits because coconut milk is a source that has a rich content of several minerals, including iron and potassium. One cup of canned coconut milk contains about 497 milligrams of potassium and 7.5 milligrams of iron. Most men need 8 milligrams of iron per day, while women need up to 18 milligrams of iron per day. According to an agency control and prevention of disease, iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in developed countries like the United States. Iron deficiency can cause impaired motor skills and mental function as well as birth-related complications for pregnant women. Adequate potassium intake is also important, enough of this mineral the body needs to function normally, such as potassium help muscles and nerves to communicate.

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